Consortium meeting 2022 – KOM Lyon

HERVCOV_GA-1_Agenda: Download PDF Gallery

European Researchers’ Night 2022 – LEAF Project

Mura del Valadier Via del Castello, 19-21, Frascati, Italia

University of Tor Vergata Team present the Hervcov Project to general public during the European Researchers' Night, LEAF Project 2022, in Frascati

Presentation of the book Cronache della Pandemia

Mura del Valadier Via del Castello, 19-21, Frascati, Italia

During Di-Versi e Forma: Editoria ed Arte a Frascati the 1st Edition of the annual Festival of Publishing and Art, Daniele Morgera, journalist at RAI, national public broadcasting company of Italy, presented the book "Chronicles of the Pandemic" in which is mentioned Hervcov Project