Frascati Scienza association aims to share spaces and faces of Science, empowering participation to Research as common good and the literacy to scientific citizenship. The Lazio Region, the Province of Rome, the municipalities of Rome, Frascati and the Tusculum area are perfect for the association’s mission: facilitating the exchange of experiences and results among researchers and citizens; stimulating the curiosity of the general public and young people experiencing the thrill of discovery; and motivating young people to embark on research car Frascati Scienza since 2006 organizes the European Researchers Night, a public event funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), dedicated to bringing researchers closer to the public.

Matteo Martini
President of the association Frascati Scienza and professor of experimental physics at UniversitĂ degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi of Rome. Senior scientist associated to INFN Frascati and to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in US. He is scientific coordinator of various Erasmus+ projects coordinated by Marconi University and coordinator of MSCA-NIGHT-2020bis.
Research info
ORCID: 0000-0001-9485-6384

Raffaella Donghia
Postdoctoral researcher at INFN Frascati. She worked for many years in Mu2e experiment in Chicago. She is currently part of the Radiation Protection Service of INFN with an internship to become radiation Qualified Expert. She is part of the Frascati Scienza board and Work Package leader for Impact and Assessment of the European Researchers Night projects.
Research info
ORCID: 0000-0003-3536-7147

Giorgia Burzachechi
Journalist and deputy director of “Giornalisti nell’Erba”, scientific and environmental online journal. She worked for several communications agencies, for The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism as press officer. She is member of the board of Frascati Scienza, Head of communication and Work Package leader for the communication of the MSCA Night projects.

Alessandra Della Ceca
Vice president of Associazione Frascati Scienza and biologist and scientific explainer. In 2009 she founded “G.Eco” an association for scientific communication and education. Since 2016 she is the head of events organization of Frascati Scienza and Work Package leader for the activities realized during European Researchers Night.Â